
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Hair-apy -- Argan Oil Hair Mask

My hair is so dry and over worked from the blow dryer and straightener -- some days it feels like straw.Plus -- I seriously need a hair cut and new highlights!

While at the grocery store this weekend, I stumbled upon an Argan Oil hair mask. At  under $2 a pop ,I thought I would give it a try. Plus, the packet is large, so I knew this wasn't going to be a one time use.

I wash my hair in the morning and am extremely limited on time, so I was happy to read on the packaging that I only had to keep this mask on for two to five minutes. Perfect -- just enough time for me to shave my legs -- or stand under the scalding water half asleep. Don't judge.

I tried the hair mask this morning and I was quite surprised with the results. 

The mask is super thick and a little goes a long ways. It didn't really have a smell, which is fine by me, as I don't really care for scented hair products. 

I rubbed the serum all over my hair, concentrating most on the ends and let it soak for the recommended two to five minutes. 

I rinsed my hair -- and to my surprise -- my hair was softer and did not have an oily residue. Mission accomplished!

When I styled my hair it seemed to have more body (always a plus!)

I probably have three to four more uses out of this pack and I can't wait to use it again next week. 

Here's to having softer, more luxurious hair!

PS: I was not given this product, nor paid to review this product. I simply wanted to try it out and share my findings with y'all!

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