
Monday, May 19, 2014

Motivational Monday!

Happy Monday y'all! 

I hope the weekend treated you nicely and you're ready to start the week off right!

Mondays tend to overwhelm me. My to-do list is often incredibly long and the thought of all the unknown factors that may find their way into my e-mail, fax, office, etc., kind of scares me. 

I also have a phone call to a colleague regarding a complex matter that I have been putting off for a while now that I just need to suck it up and make

My plan is to march into my office this morning and make that call

It might be scary, but what is the worst thing that could happen? I don't even have to look at this person, just talk on the phone! 

"If you are waiting for the right time, it's now..." 

Nothing like a straight forward motivational quote to kick us into gear this Monday morning!

Here's to a great week!


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