
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Let's Eat Some BBQ

We have waited a whole year to be able to go to this event, and boy were we excited!!! My hubby and I first found out about the Silicon Valley BBQ Championships which is held in Santa Clara Central Park on the last weekend in June. Well last year we had to miss it because we got married (oh darn I know) :) but this year we finally got to check it out. 

Besides the sunburn I got from walking around for 3 hours without sunscreen on, I thoroughly enjoyed this event! I mean I got to hang out with my hubs and parents and walk around and try different types of BBQ!!!! Sounds like a win to me!

Some booths had absolutely amazing BBQ and of course some booths had BBQ that was just not my type. We tried tons of ribs and chicken and my favorite had to be my very first sample of a chicken leg, smoked and wrapped in BBQ'd bacon. Man that was some good stuff!!!

The only downfall (besides my sunburn) was the waiting in lines and of course having to pay. We spent $20 for 10 tokens and my hubby and I were both full of BBQ by the end of the event! They also have tons of little rides and booths for kids. A family fun event!

Here are some pictures from our BBQ adventure!
Santa Clara Central Park

Gettin' their grub on

These sample sizes sure added up! I was stuffed by the time we left.

If you are in the area next year, I would definitely recommend that you come on over and taste some delicious BBQ! I know we will be there next year with our little one :) Gotta start em' young on the BBQ!!



  1. This looks like such a great time! If I am ever in the area during this time of year, I will have to check it out!
    Casually Chic by Monique
    Find me at : bloglovin' | facebook

    1. Thanks Monique! It was a lot of fun! You'll definitely want to check it out next year! Thanks for stopping by our blog!
