
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Little Baby Girl

That's right party people! We found out earlier this week that we are having a girl! I am so so excited. 

Little Miss Hailey Marie is already so loved by all our family friends and friends and I just cannot wait till she arrives!!!

It's hard to believe we are about 5 months away from meeting our princess. If she is as active as she has been on the inside, I am for sure going to have my hands full when she is here in December! 

What I've been going through this month:
-uncomfortable nauseous (but never feeling like I'm going to throw up) as soon as I lay down at night

- migraines practically every other day

-cramps in my calves and feet at night has been super great

-Our baby girl is moving all over the place 

-starting to get my appetite back...finally!

We are going on Week 19 and I still cannot believe it! This little girl has my heart and I just cannot wait to hold her!
