
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Horsin' Around!

While Hubby and I were visiting my parents, they treated us to a horseback riding trip in the Sierra Nevada Mountains at Kennedy Meadows Resort

The scenery was absolutely gorgeous! Lush, green foliage, a rushing stream, waterfalls, and fresh mountain air were a perfect way to detox after taking the California Bar Exam the week prior. 

We went on a 3.5 hour trail ride  and marked the half-way point at the gorgeous Relief Reservoir. 

 Hubby and Me! Check out that view in the background!

 Hubby's horse, Thunder, wasn't thrilled to be on our trail ride!
 He stopped multiple times up the mountain and wouldn't budge.

  Hubby and me with our amazing guide!

 My mom and me!

On our way back down the mountain it started pouring rain! By the time we got back to the barn we were absolutely drenched! Luckily we packed a change of clothes or it could have been one miserable, soggy ride home!

If y'all are ever in Northern California and are looking for a fun trial ride, I highly recommend Kennedy Meadows! The staff was so nice, even though we arrived about 15 minutes late (we got lost!)  It was so fun, because it was just my family (mom, dad, hubby and I) and our guide, so we could talk and joke and not worry about anyone else. Plus the scenery was amazing!



  1. I love trail riding! I used to go as a kid with my mom. So relaxing!

