
Thursday, August 21, 2014

I Left My Heart in San Francisco

While visiting my folks after the Bar Exam we decided to take the train into San Francisco for the day!

Hubby had never been to San Francisco before, so it was quite a treat to show him such an amazing location in my home state. 

When we left my parents' house at 9:00 in the morning it was already nearing 90 degrees. Naturally, we all wore shorts and t-shirts and didn't think twice as we headed out the door. 

Upon arrival, it was freeeezing! It was foggy and cold and there was no way my little outfit would suffice for the day. We all darted (except my dad - crazy!) into the nearest stores and bought sweaters. 

Typical. Tourist. tsk. tsk. 

We had a wonderful time strolling the streets of San Francisco. We walked through China Town and Little Italy, making our way to Fisherman's Wharf and Pier 39

We lunched at Scomas, where my mom and I enjoyed clam chowder and the boys dined on steak sandwiches. We indulged with a bottle of Cambria Chardonnay and flourless chocolate cakes. It was one of the best lunches I have had in a long time - we sat there for a few hours and talked and reminisced.  

After lunch we meandered to Ghiradelli Square and sampled [more] chocolate. 
Oh to be on vacation again....


PS: My mom and I picked up our matching sweaters from the boys section at Forever 21!

1 comment:

  1. I visited SF a few years ago and loved every bit of it! Looks like you had a blast!

    xo Jen
    Skirt The Rules
