
Friday, November 11, 2016


Hello lovelies...

We made it to Friday! Yah!

I've been working non-stop like a mad woman, trying to cross a whole host of items off of my to-do list before the Thanksgiving Holiday. Hubby and I are headed out of the country and couldn't be more excited!

I had a whole host of fun links to share with y'all, but I'll save those for another time...

This was a strange week with the election results and so many people feeling like this is the demise of our country. Regardless of the way you voted, I think it is important to remember that we cannot put our hope in man (or woman), but only in Jesus Christ. 

I feel it is so poignant that Veteran's Day falls shortly after Election Day. We are so lucky that we even have the luxury to complain when one candidate wins or loses -- and that is all thanks to the brave men and women who have fought for our freedoms. Thank you!

Have a great weekend!


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