
Friday, March 3, 2017

10 x 10 Wardrobe Challenge | Day 4

As you know, I've been working my way through a 10 x 10 wardrobe challenge. The 10 days are up and I'm slowly getting the posts put up. Thanks for bearing with me -- life has been crazy busy!

A 10 x 10 wardrobe challenge is where you take 10 articles of clothing, create ten outfits, and wear them over the course of ten days! You can learn more about the 10 x 10 challenge by reading my original post on the topic. 

On day four I decided to shake things up a bit -- I tucked my sweater into my jeans!

Sweater (Similar)

Radical! I know! I've worn this sweater so many times, but when I tucked it in, it made the whole outfit feel new and fresh! 

Sweater (Similar)
Have y'all ever tucked something in, or maybe out, and had it totally change a garment for you? Try it! You'll discover that an old favorite has more versatility than you thought!

Be sure to check out days one, two, and three of my 10x10 Challenge!


PS: This post contains affiliate links, by clicking on and/or making a purchase through a link, I may receive a small commission. As always, thank you for supporting this little blog!

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