
Friday, April 11, 2014

Photo Diary Friday: Henry Cowell State Park

Although living in the bay area is not ideal for my husband and I, we often forget about the beautiful parks and outdoors that do surround us. Henry Cowell State Park, which is located in Felton, CA was only like an hour and a half for us and we went on a 6.5 mile hike. We crossed the river 3 times and man was that water freezing. 

My husband of course finding a couple of lizards.

As you can see it was a gorgeous day and made the hike amazing!

Of course we needed a documentary picture.

A view of Santa Cruz.

A view over the park and a little of Santa Cruz.

If you have not been to Henry Cowell State Park before and are living or just visiting the area, I would definitely suggest you go there! They have multiple hiking trails and although there are no restrooms, it was so nice to get out and just listen to nature!


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