
Friday, April 11, 2014

Curried Rosemary Roasted Sweet Potatoes

I was craving Thai food last night for dinner and I found this awesome coconut chicken recipe but had no idea what else to serve with it. So I went searching on the internet for some Thai Side Dishes and I found this one, Curried Rosemary Roasted Potatoes . I went to go look for my russet potatoes, however, and found that they were all way to old to salvage and had to get tossed. Lucky for me, I had 3 sweet potatoes that I could use, and so that is what I did. I tweaked the recipe of course but my hubby and I both loved it! He isn't a huge sweet potato fan unless in fry form, but he got thirds on this side dish.

Curried Rosemary Roasted Sweet Potatoes

1 TB curry paste (I always get mine from World Market)
1/4 cup olive oil
1 tsp rosemary (more or less for your liking)
3 sweet potatoes (peeled and cubed)

Preheat oven to 450. Combine the curry and olive oil in a sauce pan over medium heat until curry is dissolved and oil is hot (don't worry if your curry doesn't completely vanish). Combine your curry oil with your cubed sweet potatoes in a large bowl and toss. Cover a baking sheet with foil and lay out your potatoes and sprinkle on some rosemary. Bake for 15 minutes and then flip and bake another 15 minutes at 400. Potatoes are done when they are fork tender. Serve and enjoy!

Such a simple recipe that was not only healthy but of course easy because I had everything already on hand! I will be making this dish again and again and I hope you will try it out! Also check out this tasty Coconut Chicken recipe: I love her blog and am never afraid to try anything from her!


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