
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Some of My Favorite Bloggers...

Since graduating law school and finishing up the bar exam, I have found that I have a bit more leisure time than before. It is about time, right? One of the great things I have discovered with this new found freedom are the countless blogs that people --talented, interesting, fashionable, unique people-- publish each and every day. 

Here are some of my favorite fashion and lifestyle blogs...

I love Jessica's preppy style and her obsession with sequined heels!

Hallie's uncensored take on life in NYC is hysterical, while her outfit posts are flawless!

Fellow law school grad, Jen's style is sweet, sophisticated and polished. 

Based in San Francisco, I love getting to see glimpses of Julia's laid back California style and the gorgeous scenery. 

Master of the midi-skirt, Blaire's outfits could be straight off the pages of Vogue!

Part time lawyer, part time blogger, about to be full time mommy, Lexi balances it all with style and grace

If you don't already follow these ladies, I would highly recommend stopping by their blogs and checking them out. Their daily doses of fabulous, delivered right to my inbox, always brightens my day!

Happy Reading!


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