
Thursday, January 12, 2017

Family Time Over The Holidays

Hubby and I celebrated Christmas this year in California with my family. We had the best time visiting with my grandparents, hanging out with my parents, Kir, and her hubby, and playing non-stop with our niece. 

One afternoon we ventured over to Micke Grove Park. We went to the zoo and ended up being one of  three families visiting the little zoo that day! That gave us lots of time to spend at each exhibit and we even got to chat with some of the zoo keepers. 

After the zoo, we strolled over to the Japanese Tea Garden to show Hailey the fish and snap a few photos!

I'm not exactly a photographer (something I am working on) and these were snapped with my iPhone. However, I do think it is important to have fun candid photos to look back on. 

Here are my snapshots from the day...

We had a wonderful time enjoying each others company and the sunshine! 


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