
Friday, February 24, 2017

For Your Viewing Pleasure | Week 8

Happy Friday, y'all!

Any fun plans for the weekend? I'm currently in Santa Barbara, so I am hoping to take a nice long walk on the beach and maybe pop into a yoga class.

-- On the Internet --

These macaroons with dark and white chocolate drizzle look incredible! I am totally planning on making these soon! Maybe when my parents come visit at the end of the month! They'll be totally impressed!

If you love custom gifts, then you'll want to enter to win this needlepoint wallet giveaway

I'm loving this outfit from Ellie at Sequins and Suspenders and this outfit from Jess at Bows and Sequins!

Here are eight anti-aging beauty tips -- do any of you use a silk pillowcase? 

--On the Blog --

I'm doing a 10 x 10 winter wardrobe challenge. It is a lot harder than I thought it was going to be!

Here is day one of my 10 x 10 winter wardrobe challenge. 

In case you missed my little breakdown last week, I have given up shopping for the next ninety days!

Need to declutter your life? Try this seven day challenge

--Currently -- 

I recently finished Chasing Slow by Erin Loechner. It was a great book and I will be posting a book review here shortly. 

I am currently reading The Magnolia Story by Chip and Joanna Gaines. They are just the cutest! #RelationshipGoals

Have a great weekend!


PS: This post contains affiliate links. By clicking on some of these links and/or making purchases through these links, I may receive a small commission -- at no additional cost to you. As always, thank you for supporting this little blog!

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