
Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Winter 10 x 10 Wardrobe Challenge

Have y'all ever heard of a 10 x 10 wardrobe challenge?

It is where you use ten articles of clothing to create ten outfits to wear over the course of ten days. 

Since I am currently on a self imposed ninety day shopping ban, I thought a little wardrobe challenge might be a fun way for me to shake up my style with the clothes I already have in my closet. Also, Caroline from Unfancy did a 10 x 10 challenge a month or so ago, and it looked like fun!

My ten items include one pair of pants, one dress, one vest, one button down, three sweaters, one long sleeve top, a pair of ankle booties, and a pair of sneakers. Accessories can come and go as they please. 

Since I am currently in Santa Barbara and I don't have to go to Court while I am here, my wardrobe is super casual. 

Above is a model of what my 10 x 10 looks like. When I post my outfits, I'll let you know whether I am wearing a direct link to a product, or whether my product is older and I am listing something similar!

Tomorrow the challenge begins! I'll be posting my outfits daily, so be sure to check back in. 

Have you ever tried a 10 x 10 wardrobe challenge? Would you? Chime in with a comment below...


PS: This post contains affiliate links. By clicking on these links and/or making purchases through these links, I may receive a small commission. As always, thank you for supporting this little blog. 

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